Information and Innovation System Analysis: Actor-Based Approach
Dr. Tugrul Temel

The Book is about...

Drawing on the natural linkages between three concepts, institutions, information and innovation, the Book develops an actor-based approach to simultaneously analyzing information and innovation systems. Specifically, the Book has two purposes. The first purpose is to develop a methodology for analyzing sectoral and cross-sectoral innovation policy issues, including agriculture, food security, health and environment among others. The second purpose is to illustrate its application with case studies from various countries.

The methodology developed reflects upon Dr. Tugrul Temel's research activities in various universities and international development organizations during the period of 2000-2012. With the medium- and large-scale development projects, Dr. Temel had the opportunity to apply the methodology in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus and Sub-Saharan Africa for making policy recommendations in different contexts, including agricultural and health policy innovations, cross-sectoral priority setting, information systems management and information exchange for facilitating innovations. Development per se is cross-sectoral; and therefore, addressing development issues call for cross-sectoral collaboration of organizations within a country or across countries. It is therefore expected the community of economic development practitioners, both national and supranational decision/policy makers, to benefit from this Book the most. Having said that, the application of the methodology is not limited to economic development issues; it can easily be adjusted with minor changes to address any actor-based cross-sectoral issues. This makes the audience of the Book substantially larger than it first looks.