- National and subnational assessment for competition policy to improve economic growth and the business environment of local markets: Saudi Arabia
- Technical support to EU assistance for Uzbekistan Agri-Food Development Strategy 2020-2030 Agriculture Support and Knowledge (ASK) facility
- Contributed to an ECO-RCCFS and FAO Project: 2022 Overview of Food Security in the Countries of Economic Cooperation Organization
- Technical support to ECO-RCC/FAO on FNS Assessment and Program Development and Contribution to an Issue FAO Report on LDCs in Asia and the Pacific in relation to the Istanbul Plan of Action (in preparation for and as a contribution to The 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed countries, 2022)
- An assessment report entitled ?COVID-19 and Food Systems: A regional review of macro-economic and food systems impacts and policy responses for Asia and the Pacific?
- Technical support to the ECO-RCC/FAO in preparing ?Regional Food Security Program of the ECO Region? and ?Overview of Food Security in the ECO Region 2020?
- Technical support to the report ?Good governance for ensuring food security and nutrition in the OIC Member Countries?
- An assessment of the scope of food and nutrition security policy, governance and information system in Azerbaijan
- Serving in the Scientific Advisory Board of the EU Horizon 2020 Project (2016-2020) ?Shaping Social Innovation for Marginalized Rural Areas (SIMRA)?
- Carrying out EU Framework Program Evaluation (FP6 and FP7) for Turkey?s participation in EU Horizon 2020 program
- Strengthening the National Food Security Information Systems in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan
- Ex-post evaluation of the Seventh Framework Program in Turkey
- Turkey in the EU: consequences for agriculture, food, rural areas & structural policy
- Enlargement of the EU, regulatory impact analysis, sector-wide institutional analysis
- Support to strengthening of the food security information systems in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
- Targeting information policy for improved system performance
- Methodology for assessing food security information system
- Methodology for information system formation and performance
- Capacity building in statistics and economics departments in universities in Rwanda and Ethiopia
- Economy-wide effects of investment in reproductive health: general equilibrium approach
- Family planning, human capital, growth and income distribution in Rwanda
- Training on system of national accounts and data compilation methods: applications with Mathematica
- Assessment of proposals - ACP Science and Technology call for proposals
- Rural regional economic regeneration strategies in Afghanistan
- Assessment of global progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals
- Food security and poverty effects of alternative investment options in palm oil
- Drought, ex-ante/ex-post coping strategies and vulnerability
- Macro data frameworks and their use in general equilibrium policy analysis
- Organization and implementation of tailor-made training program on research methodology and project cycle
- Impact of structural and sector-wide policies on poverty and food security
- Monitoring and evaluation of impact of agricultural policy, research and technology
- Interaction of structural and sector-wide policies with agriculture and the environment
- Role of research and technology policies in promoting innovations
- Industrial policy, institutional arrangements and direction of technological change
- Institutional changes and organizational linkages in innovation systems
- Capacity development for learning and knowledge flow in innovation systems
- Institutional and organizational mapping of agricultural sector
- Role of new technologies (i.e. ICT & biotechnology) in reforming national agricultural systems
- Interaction between disease (i.e. HIV/AIDS and malaria) and agricultural productivity
- Priority setting in health and agricultural research
- Globalization, trade, food safety and food security