Workshops Organized
- Facilitating Agricultural Innovation System: An Information Exchange Network for Azerbaijan (with Ajit Maru, Asad Musayev, Mamadzade Nabiyev, Fuad Karimov). Jointly organized by ISNAR, Agrarian Science Center-Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, and Agency for Support to the Development of Agricultural Private Sector. Baku, Azerbaijan, December 12, 2002. Examined the current situation in the cotton supply chain in Azerbaijan: priority problems and agents relating to solutions; Explored the agentsf linkages established through the information, knowledge, skills, & resources; Mapped out steps for creating an Information Exchange Network for promoting the AIS for cotton.
- Needs Assessment for Agricultural Innovation System of Georgia (with Guram Alexsidze). Jointly organized by ISNAR and Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Tbilisi, Georgia, January 12, 2003. Examined the current situation in horticulture and viticulture farming in Georgia: priority problems and agents relating to solutions; Explored the agentsf linkages established through the information, knowledge, skills, & resources; Mapped out steps for creating an Information Exchange Network for promoting the agricultural innovation system for horticulture and viticulture farming.
Mapping Information Needs for Malaria Control in Tanzania (with Anna Wuyts). Organized by ISNAR and System-wide Initiative on Malaria and Agriculture (SIMA) in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and National Institute for Medical Research. Dares Salaam, Tanzania, October 27-28, 2003. Initiated the establishment of an integrated malaria information base for Tanzania: Gathered expert knowledge on critical areas to be investigated further, information needs to be addressed, constraints to be released, capacities to be built, and action research teams to be formed. This information was then used in the preparation of a guideline for the design of the integrated information base for malaria control in Tanzania.
- Enhancing Innovation Capacity (April 5, 2007). Tilburg University, Development Research Institute, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
- Enhancing ICT use for agricultural innovation system (January 10, 2007). United Nations University - Maastricht Economics Research Institute for Technology, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- Agricultural innovation system: agricultural research for poverty reduction (March 17, 2005). Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
- Agricultural innovation systems: research impact assessment (December 6, 2004). International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos, The Philippines.
- Institutions, innovations and growth (June 12, 2004). Sophia University, Department of Economics, Tokyo, Japan.
- Agricultural innovation system for horticulture and viticulture: Georgia I (January 15, 2003). Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture, Tbilisi, Georgia.
- Agricultural innovation system for horticulture and viticulture: Georgia II (January 15, 2003). Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture, Tbilisi, Georgia.
- sasoflo-sameurneo innovaciuri sistemebi saqarTvelos mevenaxeobasa da mebaReobisaTvis I (In Georgian). (January 15, 2003). Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture, Tbilisi, Georgia.
- sasoflo-sameurneo innovaciuri sistemebi saqarTvelos mevenaxeobasa da mebaReobisaTvis II (In Georgian). (January 15, 2003). Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture, Tbilisi, Georgia.
- International Service for National Agricultural Research in the CAC region: Activities (June 17-20, 2003). Almaty, Kazakhstan.
- Agricultural innovation system for cotton in Azerbaijan I (February, 2003). Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, Agrarian Science Center, Baku, Azerbaijan.
- Agricultural innovation system for cotton in Azerbaijan II. (February, 2003). Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, Agrarian Science Center, Baku, Azerbaijan.
- Innovation systems (June 5-7, 2003). The CAC Region Sixth CGIAR-CAC Program Steering Committee Meeting, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
- Agriculture and malaria - Azerbaijan (December 9, 2002). World Health Organization of the United Nations, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Agricultural innovation system: Azerbaijan (2002). International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Cross-sector demands on agricultural research (February 28, 2002). International Service for National Agricultural Research MTP 5 - EPMR Presentation, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- From quality to quantity: organizational linkage analysis (June 28, 2002). International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Graph-theoretic approach to systems analysis. The X-th Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists, (28-31 August 2002), Zaragoza, Spain.
- Agricultural innovation systems and information management (November 11, 2002). Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, Agrarian Science Center, Baku, Azerbaijan.
- Facilitating agricultural innovation system in Azerbaijan (November 11, 2002). Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, Agrarian Science Center, Baku, Azerbaijan.
- Agriculture-malaria linkages (May 2002). Resource Person to SIMA Workshop organized by International Development Research Center (IDRC), Nairobi, Kenya.
- Systems analysis by graph theoretical concepts: An application to the agricultural innovation system of Azerbaijan (August 2002). Xth Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists. Zaragoza, Spain.
- A non-parametric hypothesis test via the bootstrap re-sampling (August 2001). American Agricultural Economics Association Meetings. Chicago, USA.
- Agricultural innovation system: Uzbekistan (February 2001). Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
- Agricultural innovation system: observations from Azerbaijan (2001). International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- A non-parametric hypothesis test via the bootstrap re-sampling (September, 2000). ERC/METU International Conference in Economics IV. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- The holly seven steps of developing a statistical test (2000). Center for World Food Studies, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Agricultural innovation networks: Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan (December 2000). International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Convergence and spatial patterns in labor productivity: Nonparametric estimations for Turkey (September 1999). ERC/METU International Conference in Economics III. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- Aggregate and disaggregate fluctuations in US farm output: Testing for convergence (December 1998). 56th Annual Professional Agricultural Workers Conference. Tuskegee-Alabama, USA.
- Markov chain model of convergence of agricultural labor income: Evidence from the Northeast and South (June 1997). Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA.
- The impact of preservation efforts on local public finance and municipal services: The pine lands experience (June 1997). Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA.
- Convergence of real wages in the US agricultural sector: A regional analysis (April 1997). 36th Annual Meetings of the Southern Regional Science Assoc. Memphis-Tennessee, USA.
- Analysis of convergence in US farm output: An examination of the evidence (April 1997). 36th Annual Meetings of the Southern Regional Science Assoc. Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
- Chaired Session 40 - Taxes and Finance (March, 1997). 61th Annual Meetings of the Midwest Economics Association. Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
- Discussed the papers (i) Writing down impaired assets: The impact and overview of companies utilizing the new FASB standard no. 121, (ii) Incidence and asset-pricing effects of realization-based capital gains taxes. 61th Annual Meetings of the Midwest Economics Association. Kansas City, Missouri, USA, March 1997.
- A conceptual welfare analysis of food safety standards in the NAFTA: A three-player cooperation game (March 1997). 61th Annual Meetings of the Midwest Economics Association. Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
- Endogenous technological change in a two-sector overlapping generations model (March 1997). The 61th Annual Meetings of the Midwest Economics Assoc. Kansas City-Missouri, USA.
- Regional analysis of convergence of real wages in the US agricultural sector (1997). Annual Meetings of American Agricultural Economics Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Convergence of real farm output in the US (1997). Annual Meetings of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association. Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
- A conceptual strategy for examining environmental impacts of a growth strategy (1996). 35th Annual Meetings of the Southern Regional Science Assoc. Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 1996.
- Discussed the papers in Session 5 - Environment and Regional Growth. 35th Annual Meetings of the Southern Regional Science Association. Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 1996.
- Propensity to participate in the off-farm labor markets: The influence of land tenure (1996). 35th Annual Meetings of the Southern Regional Science Assoc. Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- Farm ownership and off-farm labor supply decisions (1996). Annual Meetings of American Agricultural Economics Association. San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Information and formation of offer price in farmland markets (1996). Annual Meetings of American Agricultural Economics Association. San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Commodity and Financial Instrument Futures Markets Meetings. Chicago, Illinois, USA: Chicago Board of Trade, 1996.
- Farm ownership and off-farm work participation (1996). Annual Meetings of Southern Agricultural Economics Association. Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
- Assessing sector-specific environmental impacts of adjustment policies in Ghana: A systems methodology (1995). Annual Meetings of Regional Science Association International. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
- A structure for a lobbying economy model (April 1995). Annual Meetings of Midwest Economics Association. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
- Discussed the papers in Session Issues on Transition Economies (April 1995). Annual Meetings of Midwest Economics Association. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
- How sensitive are ARCH effects on returns to the selection of the sample period? (October 1993) XXIXth Conference of the Applied Econometrics Association. Luxemburg.
- Portfolio performance of the SDR and reserve currencies: Tests using the ARCH methodology (1993). Annual Meetings of Midwest Economics Association. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
- Debt service capacity of Turkey (1992). Annual Meetings of Western Economics Association International. San Francisco, California, USA.
- Discussed the papers in Session Corporate Finance and Governance. Annual Meetings of Western Economics Association International. San Francisco, California, USA, 1992.
- An early warning model for the Turkish banking system (1992). Annual Meetings of Midwest Economics Association International. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Financial Market Committee Meetings. Paris, France: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 1988.
- Dynamic Macro Theory & Econometrics Summer School. Ankara-Turkey: Bilkent Univ., 1988.
- Treasury & Bourse Game Workshop. Istanbul, Turkey: Citibank Bourse Simulation, 1987.
Services and Memberships
- Guest Editor: International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance, Ecology (2007, 2008).
- Editorial Board/Steering Committee: Journal of Central Bank Review, Turkey, 1998-present; Minnesota Journal of Global Trade, USA, 1993; SIMA Steering Committee Member. Sri Lanka, 2001-2003.
- Referee: Acta Tropica, Sweeden; American Journal of Agricultural Economics, USA; METU Studies in Development, Turkey; Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, USA. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, London, UK.
- Member: European Association of Agricultural Economists, The Netherlands; Markets and Trade Program, USDA/CSREES/NRICGP, USA; American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Western Economics Association International, Southern Regional Science Association, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Regional Science Assoc. International, Midwest Economics Association, USA.