Acquired and Implemented
Contribution to a World Bank Project gNational and subnational assessment for competition policy to improve economic growth and the business environment of local markets (Business Environment and Private Sector Development, Competition Policy Program ID: P179724)h with the preparation of a report entitled gCharacterizing supply network links of Saudi Arabia: The role of competition policy and productive capacities in economic diversification.h Ankara-Turkiye and Amsterdam -The Netherlands (March 2019 - June 30, 2023).
Technical support to gEU assistance for Uzbekistan Agri-Food Development Strategy 2020-2030 Agriculture Support and Knowledge (ASK) facility.h DT Global Idev Europe S.L., Building Iberia Mart I, Pedro Teixeira Street, no 8, 4th 28020 Madrid, Spain (October 1, 2021 - July 30, 2023)
Contributed to an ECO-RCCFS and FAO Project entitled gECO-RCCFS and FAO. 2023. 2022 Overview of Food Security in the Countries of Economic Cooperation Organization. Ankara-Turkiye (June 6 - December 31, 2022).
Technical support to ECO-RCC/FAO on FNS Assessment and Program Development and Contribution to an Issue FAO Report on LDCs in Asia and the Pacific in relation to the Istanbul Plan of Action (in preparation for and as a contribution to The 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed countries, 2022). (November 25, 2021 - March 31, 2022).
An assessment report entitled "COVID-19 and Food Systems: A regional review of macro-economic and food systems impacts and policy responses for Asia and the Pacific". FAORAP project "MPI.5.1. Ex-post COVID impact assessment (GF.RAPTE.RA 10101000000)" (June 10 - August 31, 2021).
Technical support to the ECO-RCC/FAO in preparing "Regional Food Security Program of the ECO Region" and "Overview of Food Security in the ECO Region 2020" by FAO (May 2020 - December 31, 2020).
Technical support to the report "Good governance for ensuring food security and nutrition in the OIC Member Countries" by Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC, January 2020 - May 2020).
An assessment of the scope of food and nutrition security policy, governance and information system in Azerbaijan. United Nations FAOAZ/SEC Food Security Regular Program, Baku, Azerbaijan (December 20, 2017 - March 9, 2018).
Serving in the Scientific Advisory Board of the EU Horizon 2020 Project (2016-2020) "Shaping Social Innovation for Marginalized Rural Areas (SIMRA)". EU project No: 677622 - RIA, Topic: ISIB-03-2015 - Unlocking the growth potential of rural areas through enhanced governance and social innovation (
Organized a collaborative, multi-actor EU Horizon2020 proposal for funding from the European Commission. "Innovative agri-food chains: unlocking the potential for competitiveness and sustainability (SFS-34-2017)", Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Carrying out EU Framework Program Evaluation (FP6 and FP7) for Turkey's participation in EU Horizon 2020 program (project code: EuropeAid/127054/C/SER/multi)
Carrying out FAO-funded projects "Strengthening the National Food Security Information Systems in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan" (project code: GCP/TAJ/007/EC)
Developing software for the estimation of a system of national accounts and organising ministerial-level tailor-made training programs aimed at the development and use of data frameworks for policy analysis.
- Support to the identification, monitoring and evaluation of activities to be launched within the European Commission new food security thematic program (Funded by EC, 2007)
- Agricultural-rural regeneration and development in Afghanistan (Funded by UNDP, 2006)
- State of food insecurity (Funded by FAO, 2006)
- Mid-term review of the implementation of WFS - plan of action (Funded by FAO, 2005-2006)
- Impact of land use and agricultural practices on malaria burden in Mvomero district - Tanzania (Funded by IDRC, 2004-2006)
- Agriculture - malaria linkages in Tanzania (Funded by SIMA and ISNAR, 2003)
- ICT infrastructure and use in agricultural policy, research and development organizations: Georgia (Funded by FAO and ISNAR, 2003)
- Agriculture - health linkages for poverty alleviation (Funded by DFID, 2002-2003)
- Agricultural innovation systems in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Funded by World Bank and CGIAR, 2002)
- Agricultural development and malaria in Azerbaijan (Funded by WHO and ISNAR, 2001)
- Monograph: adjustment, agricultural marketing, environment: Ghana (Funded by USAID, 1994)
- Testing the stationarity of the variance-covariance matrix of total returns for various currency instruments (Funded by IMF, 1994)
- Portfolio performance of the SDR and reserve currencies (Funded by IMF, 1993)
- How sensitive are ARCH effects on returns to the selection of the sample period? (Funded by IMF, 1993)
Managed, Supervised and Implemented
- Rural poverty assessment and mapping in Lebanon (Funded by IFAD, 1999-2000)
- Rural poverty assessment in the Caucasus countries (Funded by IFAD, 1997-1999)
- Food security network: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia & Kyrgyz Republic (Funded by EU, 1998-2001)
- Future of European agriculture reform of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2000 (Funded by Netherlands CPB, LEI-DLO, and SOW-VU, 1996-2000)
- Impact of climate change in Nigeria (Funded by FAO, 1998)
- Perspective planning in Nigeria (Funded by UNDP, 1997-1999)
- WTO, agriculture and developing countries: Ethiopia (Funded by FAO, 1999)
- Consequences of the GATT 1994 Agreement for Ethiopia (Funded by FAO, 1997)
- Human resource development: Burkino Faso, Cote dfIvoire, Ghana, Mali, and Togo (Funded by SADAOC, 1998-2001)
- Land fragmentation and consolidation in India (Funded by Indira Gandhi Institute, Yale Growth Center, and SOW-VU, 1995-1999)
- Land use and land cover change (Funded by IIASA and SOW-VU, 1995-1999)
- Agro-ecological conditions in Africa (Funded by African Economic Research Consortium, 1998)
- Turkey in the EU: consequences for agriculture, food, rural areas and structural policy (Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, 2004)