  • Temel, T and Phumpiu, P. (2023). Policy design from a network perspective: targeting a sector, cascade of links, network resilience. Journal of Economic Structures (in Review).
  • Temel, T., Phumpiu, P. (2021). Pathways to recovery from COVID-19: characterizing input?output linkages of a targeted sector. Journal of Economic Structures 10, 29.
  • Temel, T. (2007). Institutional change in innovation systems. Editorial to the Special Issue 2007, International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 6(2), 141-143.
  • Temel, T. (2007). A conceptual framework for managing information flow in innovation systems. Special Issue 2007, International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 6(2), 179-193.
  • Temel, T. (2006). Systems information management: graph-theoretical approach. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 25(1), 15-21.
  • Temel, T., Lucas, A. (2005). Technical efficiency of Georgian farms after independence. International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies, 2(1).
  • Temel, T., Tansel, A., Gungor, D. N. (2005). Convergence of sectoral productivity in Turkish provinces: Markov Chains model. International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies, 2(2).
  • Temel, T. (2005). A systems approach to malaria control: an institutional perspective. Health Policy, 71(2), 161-180.
  • Temel, T. (2004). A method for cross-sector priority setting: gaps and hypotheses in malaria research - Tanzania. European Journal of Health Economics, 5(4), 317-323.
  • Temel, T. (2004). Mapping organizational linkages in the agricultural innovation system of Azerbaijan. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance, and Ecology, 3(1/2), 134-153.
  • Temel, T. (2004). A cross-sector priority setting method: critical gaps in malaria research in Tanzania. ISNAR Briefing Paper No. 75.
  • Temel, T. (2004). A method for linkage analysis. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 20(4), 188-192.
  • Temel, T. (2004). Malaria from the gap: need for cross-sector cooperation in Azerbaijan. Acta Tropica, 89(2), 249-259.
  • Temel, T., Janssen, W., Karimov, F. (2003). Systems analysis by graph-theoretic techniques: Assessment of the agricultural innovations system of Azerbaijan. Agricultural Systems, 77(2), 91-116.
  • Temel, T. (2000). US farm wages and labor market efficiency. Growth and Change, 31(3), 420-437.
  • Temel, T., Tavernier, M. E. (1999). ,Are US farm wages really depressing? Evidence from Northeast and South. Review of Regional Studies, 29(3), 212-225.
  • Temel, T., Tansel, A., Albersen, P. (1999). Convergence and spatial patterns in labor productivity: Non-parametric estimations for Turkey. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 29(1), 3-19.
  • Temel, T., Roe, L. T. (1998). On institutions and endogenous technological change. METU Studies in Development, 24(4), 649-662.
  • Temel, T., Tavernier, M. E. (1997). National and regional analysis of convergence of real wages in the US agricultural sector. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 27(1), 63-74.
  • Tavernier, M. E., Temel, T., Li, F. (1997). The role of farm ownership in off-farm work participation. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 26(1), 67-81.
  • Tavernier, M. E., Temel, T., Derr, A. D. (1997). Implications of farm tenure for a region's food producing potential: A Northeast U. S. case study. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 9(2), 159-169.
  • Temel, T., Roe, L. T. (1996). Endogenous technological change via industry lobbying: Closed versus open economy models. Journal of Economic Development, 21(2), 81-119.
  • Tavernier, M. E., Li, F., Temel, T. (1996). Search theory, risk preference, and farmland preservation. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 25(1), 38-45.
  • Papaioannou, G. M., Temel, T. (1994). Testing the stationarity of the variance-covariance matrix of total returns for various currency instruments. METU Studies in Development, 21(2), 275-289.
  • Papaioannou, G. M., Temel, T. (1993). Portfolio performance of the SDR and reserve currencies: Tests using the ARCH methodology. IMF Staff Papers, 40(3), 663-679.
  • Papaioannou, G. M., Temel, T. (1993). How sensitive are ARCH effects on returns to the selection of the sample period? Proceedings of XXIXth Conference of the Applied Econometrics Association, 218-230.

Books, Book Chapters and Editorial
  • Temel, T. (2007). A Practical Guide for Information and Knowledge Management in Innovation Systems: Applications from Developing Countries. Special publication of the International Journal of Agriculture, Resources, Governance and Ecology, (forthcoming from Inderscience Publishing).
  • Temel, T. (2007). Globalization and Food Security. Guest Editor to Special Issue 2007 of the International Journal of Agriculture, Resources, Governance and Ecology (forthcoming).
  • Temel, T. (2007). Institutional Change in Innovation Systems. Guest Editor to Special Issue 2007 of the International Journal of Agriculture, Resources, Governance and Ecology. download
  • Temel, T. (2005). Chapter 3: The institutional framework of Turkey and Turkish agriculture. In A. Burrell and A. Oskam (Eds.), Turkey in the European Union. Netherlands: CABI Press. download
  • Temel, T. (2005). Chapter 12: Expected consequences for Turkey of EU entry in 2015. In A. Burrell and A. Oskam (Eds.), Turkey in the European Union. Netherlands: CABI Press. download
  • Temel, T., Maru, A., Reiner, K. (2006). Chapter 22: Information and communication technology in reforming national agricultural systems in Central Asian countries: the case of Georgia. In Suresh Chandra Babu and Sandjar Djalalov (Eds.), Policy Reforms and Agricultural Development in Central Asia. New York, USA: Springer. download
  • Emerson, M., Aydin, S. (2005). An introductory note on 'Turkey in the European Union: Consequences for agriculture, food, rural areas and structural policy' by Arie Oskam, Alison Burrell, Tugrul Temel, Siemen Berkum, Natasha Longworth and Irene Molina. Centre for European Policy Studies Working Paper No: 1-14, 141-149, Jan. 2004 EFeb. 2005. Brussels, Belgium. download
  • Temel, T. (1986). The application of the Polak model to the Turkish economy. In Nur Keyder, Money, Theory, Policy, Application with Special Reference to Turkey. Ankara, Turkey: METU Press.

Working Papers
  • Data Estimation Methods: Application with Mathmatica. 2007. Development Research Institute (IVO), Tilburg University. download
  • Formation of offer prices in farmland markets: a hedonic price approach (with Edmund M. Tavernier and Farong Li). Rutgers University, Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics Discussion Paper 2007. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. download
  • State of the Food Insecurity (SOFI). 2006. Rome, Italy: FAO of the United Nations. download
  • Mid-term review of achieving the World Food Summit hunger target. FAO Committee on Food Security (CFS) Document No. 2006/3 (Background Paper to (SOFI, 2006)). Rome, Italy: FAO of the United Nations. download
  • Factors behind success in hunger reduction: 1990-2002. Background Paper to (SOFI, 2006). Rome, Italy: FAO of United Nations. download
  • A review of progress in hunger reduction E1990/2003: lessons, challenges and the way forward. Background Paper to (SOFI, 2006). Rome, Italy: FAO of the United Nations. download
  • Systems information management: graphical theoretical approach. ISNAR Discussion Paper 03-16, 2003. download
  • A cross-sector priority setting method: critical information gaps in malaria research in Tanzania. ISNAR Discussion Paper 03-14, 2003. download
  • Information and communication technology infrastructure and use in agriculture - Agricultural policy, research, and education organizations in Georgia (with Ajit Maru). ISNAR Discussion Paper 03-7, 2003. download and download
  • A systems approach to malaria control: Institutional perspective (with Ajit Maru). ISNAR Discussion Paper 3-5, 2003. download
  • Deepening the measurement of technical inefficiency in private farming in Georgia: Locally parametric regression (with Andre Lucas). Free University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Research Memorandum No. 2003-7, 2003. download
  • Deepening the measurement of technical inefficiency in private farming in Georgia: Locally parametric regression (with Andre Lucas). ISNAR Discussion Paper 03-3, 2003. download
  • A conceptual framework for studying linkages in an agriculture, health, and environment system (with Ajit Maru). ISNAR Discussion Paper 02-6, 2002. download
  • A method for linkage analysis. ISNAR Discussion Paper 02-4, 2002. download
  • Malaria from the gap: Need for cross-sector cooperation in Azerbaijan. ISNAR Discussion Paper 2-3, 2002. download
  • Agricultural development and its impact on malaria: Azerbaijan (with Michail Ejov). ISNAR Discussion Paper 1-11, 2001. download
  • Systems analysis by graph-theoretic techniques: Assessment of the agricultural innovation system of Azerbaijan (with W. Janssen & F. Karimov). ISNAR Discussion Paper 1-6, 2001. download
  • Agricultural innovation system of Azerbaijan: Functions, linkages, and constraints (with W. Janssen & F. Karimov). ISNAR Discussion Paper 1-3, 2001. download
  • A non-parametric hypothesis test via the bootstrap re-sampling. SOW-VU Staff WP-00-03, 2000. download
  • New facts for an old debate: Farm size, productivity, and geography (with P.J. Albersen). SOW-VU Staff WP-00-02, 2000. download
  • Notes on untested assumptions of a Likelihood-ratio test. SOW-VU Staff WP-00-01, 2000. download
  • Convergence and spatial patterns in labor productivity: Non-parametric estimations for Turkey (with A. Tansel and P.J. Albersen). Economic Research Forum, Working Paper No: 9931, 1999. download
  • Convergence and spatial patterns in labor productivity: Non-parametric estimates for Turkey (with A. Tansel and P.J. Albersen). SOW-VU Staff WP-99-02, 1999. download and download
  • Are the U.S. farm wages equalizing? Markov chain approach (with P.J. Albersen). SOW-VU Staff WP-99-04, 1999. download
  • Industrial policy, collective action, the direction of technological change (with T.L. Roe). SOW-VU Staff WP-98-08, 1998. download
  • Disaggregate fluctuations in the US farm output: Testing for convergence (with E. M. Tavernier) SOW-VU Staff WP-98-09, 1998. download
  • Sectoral labor productivity convergence across provinces in Turkey: nonparametric estimates (with A. Tansel and N.D. Gungor). Middle East Technical University, Dept. of Economics, WP/14/97, 1997. download
  • Portfolio performance of the SDR and reserve currencies: Tests using the ARCH methodology (with M. G. Papaioannou). IMF, Treasurer's Dept, Financial Relations Division, WP/93/10, 1993.
  • Debt service capacity of Turkey (with Ayse Karayalcin). Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), Research Department, Working Paper No. 8810, 1991.
  • An early warning model for the Turkish banking system (with Huseyin Cilli). CBRT, Research Department, Working Paper No. 8804, 1991.
  • The Turkish banking system: Income statement, 1983-1987, and balance sheet, 1981-1989. CBRT, Research Department, Working Paper No. 9101, 1991.
  • Aggregated tables of the balance sheet of the Turkish banking system (with Lerzan Iskenderoglu & Emin Ozturk). CBRT, Research Department, Working Paper No. 8902, 1989.
  • A new definition of money. CBRT, Research Department, Working Paper No 8809, 1988.
  • An early warning model for the Turkish banking system (with Huseyin Cilli). CBRT, Research Department, Working Paper No. 8814, 1988.
  • On aggregation problems in balance sheet of the Turkish banking system. CBRT, Research Department, Working Paper No. 8812, 1988.

Country Reports
  • State of the Food Insecurity 2006 (SOFI). Rome, Italy: FOA of the United Nations. download
  • Turkey in the European Union: Consequences for agriculture, food, rural areas and structural policy (with Arie Oskam, Alison Burrell, Siemen Berkum, Natasha Longworth and Irene Molina). Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and executed by Agricultural Economics & Rural Policy Group, Wageningen University. download and download
  • Proceedings of Workshop: Agriculture, environment, and health interactions - Malaria information needs, sources, and use in Tanzania. A joint ISNAR-SIMA-NIMR-MoAFS Report. The Hague, Netherlands: ISNAR. download
  • Information and communication technology infrastructure and use in agriculture - Agricultural policy, research, and education organizations in Georgia (with Ajit Maru). The Hague: FAO and ISNAR, 2003. download and download
  • The agricultural innovation system of Azerbaijan: An assessment of institutional linkages (with Willem Janssen and Fuad Karimov). The Hague: ISNAR, Country Report No. 64, 2002. download
  • Rural Poverty Assessment and Mapping in Lebanon (with Michiel A. Keyzer, Wim C.M. van Veen, Peter J. Albersen, Martin Nube, Benjamin G.J.S. Sonneveld, Bart G.J.M. van den Boom, and Geert B. Overbosch, in collaboration with MAA-DATA, Statistical Consulting Centre, Beirut, Lebanon). ISBN 90-805572-1-8 and ISBN 90-805572-2-6. SOW-VU, 2000.
  • Agricultural development and its impact on malaria: Azerbaijan (with Michail Ejov). WHO Roll Back Malaria Regional Office for Europe, Report No. EU/01/053233, 2001. download
  • Rural Poverty Study of the Caucasus Countries: Armenia (with Michiel A. Keyzer, Geert B. O, Martin N, in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia). SOW-VU, 1998.
  • Rural Poverty Study of the Caucasus Countries: Azerbaijan (with Michiel A. Keyzer, Geert B. Overbosch, Martin Nube, in collaboration with Azspetsprominvest Consulting and Engineering Company, Azerbaijan). SOW-VU, 1998.
  • Rural Poverty Study of the Caucasus Countries: Georgia (with Michiel A. Keyzer, Geert B. Overbosch, Martin Nube, in collaboration with International Centre for Reformation and Development of Georgian Economy, Georgia). SOW-VU, 1998.
  • Rural Poverty Study of the Caucasus Countries: Summary of Findings (with Michiel A. Keyzer, Geert B. O, Martin N, in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia, Azspetsprominvest Consulting and Engineering Company Azerbaijan, and International Centre for Reformation and Development of Georgian Economy). SOW-VU, 1998.
  • Monograph: Adjustment, Agricultural Marketing, and Environment: The Case of Ghana (with Terry L. Roe). US Agency for International Development (USAID), Project No. DHR-5555-Q-00-1087-00, 1994.

Articles in Progress
  • A review of progress in hunger reduction: lessons, challenges and the way forward. Food Policy, 2007 (in review).
  • Factors behind success in hunger reduction: 1990-2005. Food Policy, 2007 (in review).
  • A strategy for facilitating the agricultural innovation system of Georgia: Role of ICTs. International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems, 2007 (in review).
  • Locally parametric regression for deepening the measurement of technical inefficiency (with Andre Lucas). Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2007 (in review).
  • Collective action, industrial policy and technological change (with Terry L. Roe). Finnish Economic Papers, 2007 (in review).
  • Testing the convergence of sectoral labor productivity in Turkey: A nonparametric approach (with Aysit Tansel and Nil Demet Gungor). Papers in Regional Science, 2007 (in review).
  • Disaggregate fluctuations in the US farm output: Testing for convergence (with Edmund Tavernier). Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 2007 (in review).
  • New facts for an old debate: Farm size, productivity, geography (with Peter J. Albersen). Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 2007 (in review).
  • Are the U.S. farm wages equalizing? (with Peter J. Albersen and Edmund M. Tavernier).
  • Is farm-size converging? Nonparametric estimations for Northeast (with Edmund M. Tavernier).
  • Welfare analysis of food safety standards in the NAFTA (with Paul F.P.A. Phumpiu).
  • Formation of offer-prices in farmland markets (with Edmund M. Tavernier and Farong Li).
  • Evolution of institutions via cultural endowments (with Melinda Smale).

Books in Progress
  • A Practical Guide for Information and Knowledge Management in Innovation Systems: Applications from Developing Countries (to be published by Inderscience Publishing).
  • Analysis of Innovation Systems by Graphs: Methods and Applications
  • Economic Systems and Graphs: A Structure for a Lobbying Economy Model.