- Graduate Courses: Institutions, Innovations and Growth (2005). Mansholt Graduate School of Social Sciences, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Lectures: Portfolio Management (1995) Applied Econometrics in Agricultural Economics (AgEcon 415). Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing, Rutgers University. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA; Endogenous Technological Change (1995). Economic Development Center, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
- Undergraduate Courses: Intermediary Macroeconomics (EC2FT03) (2004) and Stock Market (IC2AFT03) (2004), School of Economics, Inholland University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Introduction to Macroeconomics (Econ 101) (1992) and Money and Banking (Econ 3073) (1992), Department of Economics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
- Graduate Students Supervised: Supervised 8 graduate theses during 1997-2000, Center for World Food Studies - Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Undergraduate Students Supervised: Supervised 6 undergraduate theses in 2004, School of Economics, Inholland University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.